The Southeast Asia Regional Anti-Doping Organisation (SEARADO) was established by National Olympic Committees (NOCs) and government representatives from Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Timor-Leste and Vietnam with the assistance of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) on 30 November 2006 in Doha, Qatar. The SEARADO office is currently located in Singapore.
Our Vision
Championing Clean Sport in Southeast Asia.
Our Mission
Promoting, co-ordinating and enhancing anti-doping programmes in Southeast Asia.
Our Core Values
- We will conduct our activities in accordance with the highest ethical standards and behaviour.
- We will strive for the highest standards of professionalism and best practices.
- We value collaboration and co-operation with stakeholders and partners to find best solutions to support clean sport.
Strategic Objectives
1. Compliance and Programme Development
To support member country NADOs in developing and implementing Code compliant anti-doping rules and programmes.
- Monitor and provide ongoing support to NADO member countries to ensure the adoption and implementation of the rules, policies and programmes are in compliance with the Code.
- Support NADO member countries’ in developing and implementing effective testing programmes using WADA’s Testing Grant to supplement such programmes.
- Assist member countries in implementing quality anti-doping awareness and education programmes.
- Provide ongoing technical support and advice to the NADOs member countries.
- Develop, implement and evaluate targeted NADO development project plans in collaboration with member countries and the WADA Regional Office.
- Develop collaboration with other RADOs and established NADOs, outside of the Southeast Asia region, to further boost anti-doping programmes.
- Encourage NADO-NADO collaboration in the region.
- Collaborate with regional Government organisations (ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Sports (AMMS), ASEAN Senior Officials Meeting on Sports (SOMS), Regional Games Organisers (Southeast Asian Games Federation), International Federations (especially those located in the region), the International Testing Agency (ITA) and other ADOs to enhance the quality of member countries’ anti-doping programmes.
2. Capacity Building
To assist NADOs develop and strengthen human resources anti-doping capacity in order to implement effective anti-doping programmes.
- Develop and implement a framework to induct and train SEARADO Member Country Representatives (MCRs) in anti-doping and related matters.
- Establish a process to ensure SEARADO member countries are aware of their anti-doping roles and responsibilities.
- Develop a system to ensure experts from member country NADOs are trained and engaged in Therapeutic Use Exemption, Results Management, Testing, and Education.
- Assist NADOs in promoting anti-doping education, as well as, developing, implementing and evaluating education plans in line with the International Standard for Education.
- Encourage and promote anti-doping research.
- Establish a process to ensure other anti-doping stakeholders in the region (Governments, NOCs, regional University and school sports associations) are aware of their roles and responsibilities.
3. Engagement
To enhance the relations between SEARADO and member countries governments, National Olympic Committees (NOC), Regional Games Organisers, NADOs and other relevant stakeholders and increase their commitment to clean sport.
- Cooperate and collaborate with Governments, NOCs, Regional Game Organisers and other relevant stakeholders towards achieving common clean sport goals.
- Develop and implement a mechanism to improve the relations between SEARADO and Board Members, as well as, other stakeholders.
- Encourage all stakeholders to engage and involve athletes in their anti-doping programmes.
The Logo
The logo of SEARADO consists of a few elements:
- The laurel wreath represents the countris within the region working together with integrity and honour to achieve victory.
- The human-like icons represent the various stakeholders working together to uphold clean sport.
- The colour dark blue is associated with honesty and authority while the colour green is associated with the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA).
- The words ‘South East Asia RADO’ are placed beside as the organisation works together with the stakeholders and countries to champion clean sport.