Prohibitied List
Principle of Strict Liability
Under the World Anti-Doping Code, athletes are solely responsible for any prohibited substance found in their system, whether there was an intention to cheat or not. It is therefore very important for athletes to understand not only what is prohibited, but also what might potentially cause an inadvertent doping violation.
Medical Conditions
When visiting a doctor, athletes should always inform the doctor of their status as athletes, and that they are subject to doping control tests and the CURRENT Prohibited List (2024) for the substances and methods of treatment that an athlete cannot be prescribed with.
Before using any substance or methods of treatment, the athlete should always check the status of the substance or method against the Prohibited List, or available on-line drug information services listed below. Athletes should never assume it is safe to use a substance or medication if information is not available.
Athletes may at times experience a medical condition requiring the use of particular medicines for treatment that contains substances under the Prohibited List. In the absence of other alternatives, if the athlete needs to use prohibited substances for medical reasons, prior approval must be obtained by applying for a Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) from your International Federation (IF), National Anti-Doping Organisation (NADO) or the Southeast Asia Regional Anti-Doping Organisation (SEARADO), where relevant.
Online Drug Information Services
Athletes can check if the medication or the method of treatment is prohibited under the Prohibited List by one of the following ways:
- Global Drug Reference Online (Global DRO)
- Sport Integrity Australia (SIA) GlobalDRO
- Hong Kong Anti-Doping Committee’s Drug in Sport
The Prohibited List is updated by WADA annually. With effect from 1 January 2023, the most current edition of the list can be found directly at WADA’s website